We are joined by Diana Fay.

Diana (she/her) is a TTRPG content creator who specializes in teaching people how to be better players and DMs by providing lifehacks, shortcuts, and formulas to upgrade their game. She is also a social media consultant, and will be at a ton of cons this year, including GenCon, TwitchCon, PAX West, and PAX Unplugged. You can find her @DianaOfTheRose on all platforms, and as the podcast host for Worlds Apart.



Listen to the full soundtrack from the Oblex episode on Epidemic Sound.


A TTRPG nerd who multiclassed into everything else. Creator, model, Twitch Partner, panelist, AP performer, YouTuber, consultant, host.

Kill Every Monster is a 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast. In each episode, we are joined by a guest to discuss the lore, mechanics, and story potential of classic D&D creatures. We debate tactics for maximizing these creatures in your game, and we ask the ever-important question: are they really a monster?

Send us your questions for a future mailbag episode!


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