The Monster Manual describes jinni as “rare elemental creatures out of stories and legend. Only a few can be found on the Material Plane. The rest reside on the Elemental Planes, where they rule from lavish palaces.”

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The Monster Manual describes Displacer Beasts as a “monstrous predator that takes its name from its ability to displace light so that it appears to be several feet away from its actual location. A displacer beast resembles a sleek great cat covered in blue-black fur. The beast’s eyes glow with an awful malevolence that persists even in death.”

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The Monster Manual describes Kuo-toa as “fishlike humanoids that once inhabited the shores and islands of the surface world. Long ago humans and their ilk drove the kuo-toa underground, where they dwell in everlasting night. Kuo-toa can no longer abide daylight."

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Owlbears are described in the Monster Manual as “a monstrous cross between giant owl and bear, an owlbear’s reputation for ferocity and aggression makes it one of the most feared predators of the wild.”

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The Monster Manual describes Dinosaurs as “behemoths that are among the oldest reptiles in the world. Predatory dinosaurs are savage, territorial hunters. Dinosaurs roam rugged and isolated areas that humanoids seldom visit, including remote mountain valleys, inaccessible plateaus, tropical islands, and deep fens.”

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The Pokédex describes Gengar as “mean-spirited creatures that enjoy tormenting people, hurting them and overtaking them. They are most active during full moons, creeping out in the dead of night and disguising themselves as shadows.”

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For our Season 2 round-up episode, we revisit Dylan's had the idea to go through each monster and debate if they would Do A Murder.

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Aram and Dylan introduce Podspeak and dive right into the first Animorphs book; The Invasion. We talk about first impressions, the angst of being a teenager, and the horrors of morphing.

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